ADJ • conspicuous | |
ऐसा: sic thus so just so such such similar | |
स्थान: status ranking point placing pedestal niche nest | |
या: OR either whether | |
व्यक्ति: bloke fish job party personage soul subject thing | |
जिस: whose | |
जिस पर: whereupon | |
पर: Pinna wings wing plume dashboard feathers feather | |
सब: everybody sub entirety the whole lot the whole | |
की: HOW of several | |
दृष्टि: aspect view viewpoint vision eye light stand | |
ऐसा स्थान या व्यक्ति जिस पर सब की दृष्टि पड़े in English
[ aisa sthan ya vyakti jis par sab ki drsti padhe ] sound: